"The In-Laws 3" is Coming! See the First Photos

The filming of the third part of the beloved series has been completedaboutin the comedy "The In-Laws"! Maja Ostaszewska, Izabela Kuna, Adam Woronowicz and Marcin Dorociński met on the set again. In the new version, directed by Kuba Michalczuk (directorysera raboutin the first part), the heroes will meet not on the occasion of a wedding, but another family celebration, whichaboutra becomes a bone of contention and ktaboutsome rejaboutrzy can't swallow... The premiere is planned for September 2025.

In the third part of the comedy hit "The In-Laws" we meet again with the family, who this time gather at a quiet resort in the province for a christening. Wanda and Tadeusz organize a ceremony, to which they invite Małgorzata and her friend, psychotherapist Grażyna. Małgorzata's ex-husband, Andrzej, also appears at the meeting, who flies in specially from Australia - and this time he is not alone. The atmosphere of the meeting quickly gets out of control, and old conflicts and new romances lead to unexpected consequences - this time with the participation of the local police!

Teściowie 3 (planowana premiera wrzesień 2025). fot. Adrian Chmielewski
The In-Laws 3 (planned premiere September 2025). Photo: Adrian Chmielewski

"The In-Laws 3" is a film that will show that even christenings can turn into a family battlefield, and even betrayal does not divide as much as... the holy sacrament!

- This is a film that will once again show that nothing is obvious in family relationships, and that every celebration can turn into a ruthless and often absurd war in a split second. In this part, I take off the masks of the characters, so that the audience can get to know them from a new side. Once again, we try not to judge but to understand. The needles that we stick in each other are sharper, because our heroes now have even more to lose - and more to gain! And I hope that all this will bring the audience even more emotion and laughter - says the director. Kuba Michalczuk.

Teściowie 3 (planowana premiera wrzesień 2025). fot. Adrian Chmielewski
The In-Laws 3 (planned premiere September 2025). Photo: Adrian Chmielewski

The production features an all-star cast: Isabella Kuna as Wanda, Adam Woronowicz as Thaddeus, Maja Ostaszewska as Margaret. Returns Marcin Dorocinski as Andrzej. The main four are joined by Magdalena Poplawska as Grażyna – Małgorzata's friend and psychotherapist, Wojciech Mecwaldowski as Marek – a local entrepreneur with his own ambitions and Joachim Lamza as Wanda's father.

Teściowie 3 (planowana premiera wrzesień 2025). fot. Adrian Chmielewski
The In-Laws 3 (planned premiere September 2025). Photo: Adrian Chmielewski

First photos from the set already allow you to feel the atmosphere of this comedy full of irony, rivalry and unforeseen plot twists. The script was written by Marek Modzelewski, also responsible for the first two parts. The producer of the film is Akson Studio ("1670", "Filip", "Panic Attack"), co-produced by TVN Warner Bros. Discovery.

Distribution in Poland is handled by NEXT FILM.


Premiere: September 2025

Directed by: Kuba Michalczuk
Screenplay: Marek Modzelewski
Photos: Kacper Fertacz
Music: Jerzy Rogiewicz
Set design: Justyna Markowska
Costumes: Maria Bulanda

Make-up: Kinga Krulikowska
Sound: Blazej Kafarski
Editing: Sebastian Mialik
Casting Director: Marta Kownacka

Producer: Michał Kwieciński

Executive producer: Małgorzata Fogel-Gabryś
Production: Akson Studio
Production manager: Bartosz Ślepowron-Wyrzykowski

Film co-production: TVN Warner Bros. Discovery

Distribution in Poland: NEXT FILM

Starring: Izabela Kuna, Adam Woronowicz, Maja Ostaszewska, Marcin Dorociński, Magdalena Popławska, Wojciech Mecwaldowski, Joachim Lamża

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