A successful school year at ALO

The 2023/2024 school year has come to an end. It is not only a time for summing up, but also for students' plans for the future. Some of them have tried to reduce the number of duties and exempt themselves from some of the high school exams, and even secured indexes for their dream fields of study. And all this a few years before finishing high school! How to do it? The answer is known to the youth from the Public ALO with bilingual departments in Rzeszów.

laureaci i finaliści ALO 1


The last few months have been a period full of great achievements for the community of the Public Academic High School with bilingual departments in Rzeszów. The high school has maintained its status as a Silver School in the "Perspektywy" Ranking, and its students have won top places in prestigious subject Olympiads.

Exemption from Matura and admission to prestigious universities? It's possible!

Although ALO has only 270 students, four of them achieved the title of finalist of the Olympiads that ended in 2024. They were: Dominik Pondo (XLVIII English Language Olympiad), Michał Wierzbiński (XXXI Informatics Olympiad), Hanna Marszałek (LIV Polish Language and Literature Olympiad) and Krzysztof Gawlik (VIII Statistics Olympiad). The above-mentioned people are students of the second and third grades of ALO. This means that already at this moment, long before the final exams, they can enjoy not only the successes achieved.


Obtaining the title of finalist or laureate of the Olympiad is associated with many benefits. Among them, the most important one from the perspective of a high school student - exemption from taking the basic and advanced level matriculation exam in the subject in which one achieved Olympic success (which means a score of 100% on the matriculation certificate).

What's more, the title of finalist makes it easier to get into your dream studies. For this reason, Dominik had a specific goal when he started studying at ALO.

– When I went to high school, I had a simple plan – I would win the Olympics and not worry about final exams, which definitely reduces the stress associated with getting into university – admits our student.
And indeed, easier recruitment to many fields of study, such as: law, psychology, nursing, sociology, any philological field – and these are only the privileges offered by the Jagiellonian University!

Through the eyes of the winners

What did the Olympic competition look like from the perspective of the ALO finalists?

- You can get something more from the English Language Olympiad than just the indexes. The readings that were required were surprisingly understandable and valuable for the modern reader - says Dominik. Krzysztof Gawlik, on the other hand, appreciates the fact that thanks to his success, he has already received indexes for some of the courses of study conducted by AGH.

Hania, a finalist of the Polish Language and Literature Olympiad, reveals the details of the preparations.

– I really put a lot of effort into the Olympiad, I spent a lot of time studying. I either sat in books or watched the readings on YouTube. Each stage of the Olympiad was associated with mixed feelings. On the one hand – stress and fear of whether I would definitely succeed, and on the other – this excitement, a sense of competition with others – the student recalls. – I gained a lot of experience, polished my skills in writing, speaking, grammar and literature. The decision to participate in the Olympiad was great.

This year's ALO graduate, Aleksandra Balicka, also boasts a great achievement. By winning the title of laureate of the 17th National Olympiad for the AGH Diamond Index, she received the index of this university.

Ola sums up

– I am incredibly grateful to every single person who supported me on this journey, because it was thanks to their support that I was able to achieve tremendous success at the end of my high school education.

During the end-of-year ceremony, school principal Renata Łunarska honored the finalists of the Olympiads with a special award. She emphasized the value of the knowledge, experience and taste of success gained – benefits that cannot be measured by any measure.

It's time for a well-deserved rest. Hello holidays!

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