Plant Sterols: Effective Support in Reducing High Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol levels affect as many as 67% Poles over the age of 20[1], posing a serious health risk. Plant sterols prove to be an effective support for people struggling with this problem[2]. Experts recommend regular testing and consciously choosing supplements or products enriched with plant sterols for people with high cholesterol, which can have a beneficial effect on the condition of their cardiovascular system. When and why should we reach for plant sterols? Why is it worth testing your cholesterol level regularly? More on that below.

Cholesterol is a lipid compound found in blood plasma, which is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Unfortunately, its excess, especially the LDL fraction (so-called "bad" cholesterol), poses a serious threat to our cardiovascular system. Untreated hypercholesterolemia leads to cardiovascular diseases, which in 2021 were responsible for 34.8% deaths of Poles[3].

Meanwhile, a significant part of Polish society still does not regularly check their cholesterol levels. Experts emphasize that this simple and quick test should become a routine element of health prevention for all people over 20, at least once every few years, and among risk groups - even once a year.[4]. Being aware of your cholesterol level is key to early detection of potential problems and taking appropriate preventive or treatment measures.

People with high cholesterol who do not yet require drug treatment should focus on modifying their diet and lifestyle. In addition to increasing their consumption of vegetables, fruits, and cereal products, they can consider including products containing plant sterols in their daily diet. Their amount in a standard diet is not always sufficient to achieve the desired cholesterol-lowering effect.

It is important for people with high cholesterol to consult a doctor before deciding to supplement with plant sterols. The decision to use these products should be made under medical supervision to ensure safety and optimal effectiveness.

What are plant sterols?

Plant sterols, also known as phytosterols, are compounds that occur naturally in vegetable oils (e.g. corn, rapeseed, sunflower), nuts, seeds, legumes, cereals, and, to a lesser extent, fruits and vegetables. They are widely known for their ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels. Plant sterols have a structure similar to the cholesterol in our cells, so they can compete with it for absorption in the intestines. When sterols take the place of cholesterol, its absorption in the digestive tract is reduced. As a result, less cholesterol enters the blood, which lowers the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol.

Why are they so effective?

Clinical studies confirm that regular consumption of products rich in the appropriate amount of plant sterols can significantly reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol after just a few weeks of use.[5].

The mechanism of action of these compounds is simple and extremely effective. By limiting the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, less cholesterol enters the bloodstream and more is excreted from the body. Importantly, phytosterols do not negatively affect the level of the so-called "good" HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, or they only affect it to a small extent, which is crucial in the context of reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.[6].

- Studies indicate that as many as 67% Poles over the age of 20 have elevated cholesterol levels. Plant sterols are one of the natural elements that can support them in lowering this cholesterol. That is why it is so important to include them in your daily diet, consuming products that naturally contain these compounds, such as oils (including rapeseed, sunflower, olive oil), nuts, seeds (including sesame), legume seeds, cereal products, as well as those enriched with these ingredients, such as yogurts or dietary supplements with sterols. However, it should be remembered that in order to achieve optimal results, the basis is to lead a healthy lifestyle, and especially regular physical activity and a properly balanced diet - he explains Karolina Łukaszewicz-Marszał, clinical dietitian at the Nutricia Foundation.

Daily dose of sterols for people with high cholesterol

Although phytosterols are present in various plant products, their content is relatively low. The average dietary intake of sterols in Poland is much lower than the amount needed to achieve a cholesterol-lowering effect and is about 250 mg per day.[7]. Meanwhile, to obtain a beneficial effect of lowering cholesterol levels, you should consume 1.5-3 g of plant sterols per day, i.e. 6-12 times.

For this reason, sterols are also added to some foods, as well as dietary supplements. Products enriched with plant sterols (e.g. yogurts) are available on the market, and including them in your daily diet is a simple way to support your efforts to lower cholesterol.

To take better care of your health, it is worth introducing regular physical activity and modifying your lifestyle, including looking at your diet and making changes that are beneficial to your heart health. You should regularly monitor your blood cholesterol levels, introduce a diet low in saturated fats and trans fats and high in fiber and unprocessed foods. It is also worth including products with plant sterols.

About the Nutricia Foundation

The Nutricia Foundation was established in 1996 by Nutricia Polska Sp. z o. o. Since the beginning of its activity, the Foundation has been raising awareness of the role of nutrition, initially engaging in, among others, nutritional education during the first 1000 days of a child's life. Since 2019, the mission of the Nutricia Foundation has been to educate about the role of nutrition at various stages of human life. The Foundation directs its activities to children and parents, patients and their loved ones, representatives of the medical community, public institutions and non-governmental organizations. The Foundation runs nationwide educational programs, such as: "1000 first days for health" or the campaign "Medical nutrition - your meals in the fight against disease". It also runs a nationwide grant competition, enabling scientists to conduct scientific research in the field of human nutrition.

[1] Pająk A et al. Changes in the prevalence, treatment, and control of hypercholesterolemia and other dyslipidemias over 10 years in Poland: the WOBASZ study. Pol Arch Med Int. 2016; 126(9): 642-652.

[2] Plant sterols have been proven to lower blood cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. A beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 1.5–3 g of plant sterols. Daily intake of 1.5–2.4 g of plant sterols lowers cholesterol by 7–10 % within 2–3 weeks.

[3] Central Statistical Office. (2022). Mortality in 2021. Deaths by cause – preliminary data.,10,3.html (accessed: 7/10/2024).

[4] Polish Lipidology Society. (2021). PTL 2021 Guidelines – Pre-Print Version. Retrieved from:

[5] There.

[6] National Center for Nutrition Education, "Plant sterols – good, but not for everyone", (accessed: 25/09/2024).

[7] There.

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