Ceremonial unveiling of the monument commemorating the Jews of Baligród

Today at noon a stone monument commemorating the Baligród Jews who lived in Baligród until 1942 was unveiled.

The initiator of the monument was Jacek Sokołowski, president of the board of the Polish-American Rabbi Menachem Mendel Foundation of Rymanów. The project partners included the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage and Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland, who participated in the ceremony, prayed and unveiled the monument together with the Archbishop Metropolitan of Przemyśl Adam Szal.

Odsłonięcie kamiennego pomnika upamiętniającego Żydów Baligrodzkich 1
photo: Jerzy Żygadło/PUW

"Jews settled in Baligród in the 17th century and for centuries contributed to the development of the region. Before the outbreak of World War II, about 1,000 Jews lived in Baligród. Almost all of them were murdered during the Holocaust. Their memory is a blessing," we read on the monument, which was made of a stone that is several thousand years old and was extracted from the area of Jasionka near Rzeszów.

"We want the monument to remind us of these people, but there is also a second goal of what we are doing. We remember the past and we want to build the future. Those who do not remember history will not be able to count on a good future," said Jacek Sokołowski, president of the Polish-American Rabbi Menachem Mendel Foundation from Rymanów.

Odsłonięcie kamiennego pomnika upamiętniającego Żydów Baligrodzkich 3
photo: Jerzy Żygadło/PUW

- Today's ceremony is a tribute to the former inhabitants of these lands, the former inhabitants of Baligród resting in this cemetery, the people who created this community, contributed to the economic and cultural development of their small homeland. The monument that we are unveiling today will remain a reminder to all residents of the Jews who lived in Baligród - said Teresa Kubas-Hul, the governor of Podkarpacie. - Thank you for taking the initiative to build this monument, thank you to everyone involved in this matter. Thanks to you, the former inhabitants of Baligród are receiving the commemoration they fully deserve. May their memory last forever.

The Jewish cemetery in Baligród was established in the first half of the 18th century. It was devastated by the Germans during World War II. They took a large number of tombstones from the cemetery and paved the Baligród market square with them. After the war, the cemetery fell into ruin and was abandoned. In 1990, it was entered into the register of historical monuments.

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