Podkarpackie służby i inspekcje są przygotowane do zabezpieczenia wypoczynku w czasie tegorocznych ferii zimowych. Wzmożoną czujność zapowiadają także podczas 33.finału Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy, który odbędzie się w najbliższą niedzielę.
Winter break in our province will begin on February 17 and will last until March 2. 287,362 students from our schools will benefit from it. The first provinces, i.e. Kuyavian-Pomeranian, Lubuskie, Lesser Poland, Świętokrzyskie and Greater Poland, began their break on January 20. Thus, children and youth from these provinces are already resting, among others, in our area, mainly in the Bieszczady Mountains.
Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa podczas wypoczynku, a także w czasie niedzielnego 33. Finału WOŚP było tematem posiedzenia Wojewódzkiego Zespołu Zarządzania Kryzysowego, które w środę odbyło się w Podkarpackim Urzędzie Wojewódzkim. Podczas narady Wojewoda Podkarpacki Teresa Kubas-Hul wysłuchała meldunków o przygotowaniu poszczególnych służb i inspekcji do tego czasu.
- I am convinced that both our students and guests from other regions can feel safe with us. Our common goal is to ensure the safety of children and young people vacationing in our province. Therefore, recreation areas will be controlled and their surroundings additionally patrolled. The activities will also focus on prevention - primarily raising awareness of the dangers that young people may encounter and reminding them of the emergency numbers to call in case of danger - says Teresa Kubas-Hul, Voivode of Podkarpackie.
These are in particular the numbers: 112, GOPR (601 100 300, 985) and the helpline for children and youth (116 111). As part of classes conducted in schools, educators are to familiarize students with them.
Together with the Police, Fire Department, Podkarpackie Education Authority and Sanepid, both recreation areas and vehicles used by tourists to travel there will be inspected. GOPR is to pay special attention to tourists vacationing in the Bieszczady Mountains, and police officers will strengthen patrols of places where young people usually gather in their free time.
- We will be present everywhere. During the Sunday finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity alone, around 1,000 of our officers will patrol the places where volunteers will be collecting money. In Rzeszów alone, there will be around 500 of them. All this to ensure that the collection is carried out safely - says Inspector Jacek Juwa, Deputy Provincial Police Commander in Rzeszów.
Voivode Teresa Kubas-Hul appealed to the services to participate in classes organized mainly in schools, during which the principles of safe recreation are discussed. She also encouraged their representatives to actively participate in the activities of WOŚP.
photo: Jerzy Żygadło/PUW